
Film of Traditional Beekeeping in Japan  (English subtitles available.)



A number of short movies about Japanese honeybees, especially footages of honey harvesting, have been filmed by hobby beekeepers and made available online. We will, however, endeavor to film not only unique techniques of traditional beekeeping, but also local landscapes, livelihoods and historical backgrounds both in and outside of Japan for further comparative studies. 

Available with both Japanese and English subtitles. Please select the language and enjoy!

1. 古座川の伝統的養蜂 —和歌山県古座川流域のニホンミツバチ養蜂 Traditional Japanese Honeybee Beekeeping in Kozagawa, Wakayama 30min.|HD|2019

古座川の伝統養蜂 – 和歌山県古座川流域のニホンミツバチ養蜂

企画・製作 (Planning and Production):
 真貝理香(Rika SHINKAI)、Maximilian SPIEGELBERG、Christoph RUPPRECHT(総合地球環境学研究所 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)

撮影/編集 (Filming and Editing):
 澤崎 賢一 Kenichi SAWAZAKI (Living Montage)


紀伊半島南部、いわゆる「熊野」地域のニホンミツバチの養蜂は、江戸時代において、既に有名であった(図 1)。また現代においても、和歌山県・古座川地域は、「ゴーラ」と呼ばれる丸太をくりぬいた巣箱が多く用いられ、「伝統的」ニホンミツバチ養蜂の地として知られている(図 2)。

About the Film

The so-called “Kumano” region in the southern part of the Kii Peninsula was already known for Japanese honeybee beekeeping in the Edo period (Fig. 1). The Kozagawa area of Wakayama Prefecture located in the Kii Peninsula is still well known for traditional beekeeping of Japanese honeybees and its wide use of tree trunk beehives called “Gohra” (Fig. 2).

図 1:『日本山海名産図会』(1799年)
Fig. 1: “Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue (Special Food Products in Japan)” (1799)
図 2:ずらりと山肌に並んだゴーラ
Fig. 2: A number of Gohra lined up on a mountain slope
図 3:採蜜後、ゴーラの周りを確認する橋本さん
Fig. 3: Mr. Hashimoto checking Gohra after harvesting honey

当フィルムでは、梅雨明けの採蜜作業の映像を中心に、古座川地域の養蜂の周年サイクルを、趣味養蜂家の橋本さんのナビゲーションで、解説していく(図 3)。
This film exhibits a year schedule of beekeeping in the Kozagawa area with the footages of honey harvesting after the rainy season and commentaries by Mr. Hashimoto, a local hobby beekeeper (Fig. 3)

Japanese honeybees have a habit of using a natural tree cavity as a nest site. Taking a look at Gohra, a beehive quite similar to such natural beehive, we tend to think that Gohra and its traditional beekeeping might have been sustained and passed down without change since a long time ago.

However, it has been going through perpetual changes – a swarm catcher called “Tsurikawa” and other honey harvesting tools used in the area have been modified as needed, and the historical documents reveal that Gohra have also been modified over time. 

図 4:採蜜後、ゴーラに戻された巣板
Fig. 4: Honeycomb plates returned to Gohra after harvesting honey

採蜜方法も、かつてはすべての巣板を取り去る方法 が多かったようだが 、現在は、何枚かの巣板を残したり、いったん巣板を全部切り、貯蜜部分だけを取ったあと、卵や幼虫のいる育児層は、針金で吊るしてゴーラに戻す方法が主流になりつつある(図 4)。
In terms of honey harvesting methods, the Kozagawa people used to take all the honeycomb plates, but today they leave a couple of plates untouched, or return sections with eggs and larvae back to Gohra by hanging with a wire after taking out all the plates and cutting off the parts where honey is stored, which is becoming more and more mainstream (Fig. 4).

図 5:鍛冶屋の上田さんと、撮影中の澤崎
Fig. 5: Sawazaki filming Mr. Ueda, a local blacksmith

また今回、養蜂と関連して、客の注文に合わせて採蜜道具を作る、地元鍛冶(かじ)屋の貴重な映像も収めている(図 5)。
This film also showcases some valuable footages of a local blacksmith who customizes honey harvesting tools as per the request by his customers. (Fig. 5)

The history and tradition of Japanese honeybees in the Kozagawa area is characterized by the utilization of rich local resources – tree trunks for beehives – where forestry is one of the major industries. This film documents what the traditional beekeeping is today, which has continuously changed with creativity of local beekeepers, for example through the modification and improvement of tools and methods of honey harvesting, while understanding and respecting the ecology of Japanese honeybees.

本フィルムは、JSPS科研費(19K01215) 「日本各地の山間域における、伝統的ニホンミツバチ養蜂の総合的研究と映像化」 、大学共同利用法人人間文化研究機構2019年度「博物館・展示を活用した最先端研究の可視化・高度化事業」、大学共同利用法人人間文化研究機構総合地球環境学研究所FEASTプロジェクト(No. 14200116)の助成を受けて作成されました。
(The production of this film was supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 19K01215), the 2019 Interactive Communication Initiative of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN : a constituent member of NIHU) and the FEAST Project of RIHN (No.14200116).)
